Friday, March 25, 2011


ugh! i really don't feel good today. and it's hard to explain how i do feel. it's hard to look at the computer, or be outside where it's sunny, not b/c the light hurts my eyes, i mean, it does, but b/c it seems like my eyes are moving at a different rate than my brain. almost like my eyes will move and then my brain will move and it kind of feels like slow motion. it makes me queasy. and i feel lightheaded already. so it's easy for me to feel queasy. i had a headache yesterday, and didn't go to work b/c of it. really i had a hard time getting to sleep so i didn't get enough of it so it's my fault i had a headache. not really. i didn't control not getting to sleep. so i think it's just leftover from sleeping too much yesterday while i was off. either that, or it's just the beginning of some deeper, much more malevolent kind of sick. that would suck. i think i just need to go to work, get up and around, and maybe i'll feel better. i walked across the street to get dinner (for work. i cooked lunch.) at the ONLY recognizable restaurant, subway. i felt like i was swaying walking all the way there, but of course, i couldn't tell b/c i couldn't see anything b/c the sun was so bright. i felt more upright on the way home, only to collapse back in bed seeing everything in muted colors b/c the sun was so freakin bright! so i'm awake now, getting ready to leave for work, as soon as the yupik (that's what i'll refer to him as) comes and picks me up. so, ta ta for now, as tigger would say. wish me luck at work (i think i may need it!)

ps, got to talk to my mom today. so great. wish i got to talk to her more often. maybe at my new apartment i'll have better reception and i can!

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