Tuesday, August 5, 2008


i spent the evening digging through boxes in my storage shed looking for an old journal. isn't that sad? well, there was a reason for it. i've decided to write down everything that i've learned up until now. a memoir of sorts. i've been through so much, and i just have this thing in my soul that tells me to write...hence this blog. and all the blogs that have come before. my soul just shouts for me to put SOMETHING on paper...anything. so i write poetry, and songs, journals, but i'd like to branch out. when i was little i used to write stories. i've lost a lot of my creativity, but i can make my life into a story. that much i can do. i wrote a story about me and michael once. about our first kiss. i think it was good. so we'll go from there. or from before there. you'll just have to see.

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